The prices listed here below are valid for most of the screenings but you may want to check the details for every event on our website or paper program.

· "Normal" screening: 8€ (support) / 6€ (full) / 4€ (with reduction*)
· Short screening: 4€ (full) / 3€ (with reduction*)

· Concerts or special events: 8€ (full) / 6€ (with reduction*)

· Exhibition, Open Screen, Prima Nova: gratis

· Pass (5 "normal" screenings): 21 / 15€ (with reduction*)

* Reduction are offered for students, unemployed, pensioners, people without status, etc.

We accept Article 27 vouchers for all events.

No reservation / presale unless stated otherwise.

lang: en
id_rubrique: 2100