prog: 1960

Around Jean Harlez

In 1994 Jean Harlez stops filming and dedicates his art to his "Revised Our Ladies": colourful Madonnas, religiously assembled from photo-montages and found objects, sometimes mechanically driven. Some of his disconcerting ladies will be exhibited in Nova’s foyer, together with the reproduction of a storyboard, as well as a touching story by Marcelle Dumont, a slideshow of set photos and one of the cameras built by Jean Harlez!

Jean Harlez - Blog

09.01 > 19:00

Films + discussion

Charles Dekeukeleire

In 1947, at the age of 23, Jean Harlez is hired to be assistant to Charles Dekeukeleire, who at that time forsakes his formalistic avant-garde approach from the 1920s for a "technographical" documentary style, while filming and editing himself. Jean Harlez is impressed by this approach, and learns how to make films in an autonomous way.

+ Maisons

Charles Dekeukeleire, 1947, BE, 16mm, ov fr , 16

From the rational design of a single dwelling to the construction of modern cities.

+ Féérie

Charles Dekeukeleire, 1947, BE, 35mm, ov fr , 10

The ancestor of washing powders ads.

+ Prends garde

Charles Dekeukeleire, 1948, BE, 16mm, ov fr , 13

Film for the prevention of accidents at work.

+ L’espace d’une vie

Charles Dekeukeleire, 1949, BE, 35mm, ov fr , 25

Amazing document to the glory of the centenary of the Belgian savings bank.

+ 900 hommes

Charles Dekeukeleire, 1949, BE, 35mm, ov fr , 14

The Ford plant, then located in Antwerp, in action.

12.01 > 19:00
5€ / 3,5€

Film + discussion

Escalades au soleil de minuit

Jean Harlez, 1961, BE, 16mm, ov fr , 69

This is the first film in a series of exploration films by Jean Harlez. "Escalades au soleil de minuit" (Climbing in the midnight sun) follows an expedition to the Akuliaruseq peninsula in Greenland.

In the presence of Jean Harlez and Marcelle Dumont (author of dialogues).

18.01 > 19:00
5€ / 3,5€

Jean Harlez, 1965, BE, 35mm16mm, ov fr , 51

This fourth and final journey begins in East Greenland, where Inuit traditions are still preserved, while in the West, modernity is gaining ground.

+ Tupilak

Jean Harlez, 1966, BE, 35mm, ov fr , 19

The legend of Aretok and his evil creatures (Tupilak), illustrated by walrus teeth carvings from the hunters of Kulusuk.

In the presence of Jean Harlez and Marcelle Dumont (author of dialogues).

26.01 > 19:00
5€ / 3,5€

Jean Harlez, 1968, BE, 16mm > video, ov fr , 46

Jean Harlez and Marcelle Dumont explore the harsh living conditions and the traditions of the inhabitants of the Faroe Islands.

+ Ilutissat, iceberg et glacier Groenlandais

Jean Harlez, 1964, BE, 35mm16mm, ov fr , 18

This beautiful educational film on Greenland will be award-winning in Moscow and popular in the Netherlands.

In the presence of Jean Harlez and Marcelle Dumont (author of "Les Îles Féroé" ’s dialogues).

09.02 > 21:00
5€ / 3,5€

Films + discussion

Marcel Broodthaers

Jean Harlez handled the camera on some of the films from Marcel Broodthaers, this irreducible Belgian artist who marked profoundly contemporary art. Among the fifty or so films between 1957 and 1975 by Broodthaers, Harlez was cameraman on a dozen of them. Maria Gilissen, the artist’s widow, presents together with Jean Harlez, the result of this collaboration.

In addition to this exceptional event, a series of set photographs taken by Maria Gilissen will be exhibited only this February 14 in Nova’s corridor.

+ Objet

Marcel Broodthaers, 1967-1984 (montage posthume de Maria Gilissen & Jean-Louis Dewert), BE, 16mm, silent, 10

+ La Pluie

Marcel Broodthaers, 1969, BE, 16mm, silent, 2

+ Un Voyage à Waterloo [ (Napoléon 1769-1969)]

Marcel Broodthaers, 1969, BE, 16mm, no dial, 13

+ Ceci ne serait pas une Pipe [(Un Film du Musée d’Art Moderne)]

Marcel Broodthaers, 1969-1971, BE, 35mm, silent, 2

+ La Pipe Satire

Marcel Broodthaers, 1969-1970, BE, 35mm, silent, 3

+ Un Film de Charles Baudelaire

Marcel Broodthaers, 1970, BE, 35mm, no dial, 7

+ Projet pour un Poisson [(Projet pour un Film)]

Marcel Broodthaers, 1970-1971, BE, 35mm, silent, 9

+ Crime à Cologne

Marcel Broodthaers, 1971, BE, 35mm, no dial, 1

+ Au-delà de cette limite

Marcel Broodthaers, 1971, BE, 16mm, silent, 7

+ Monsieur Teste

Marcel Broodthaers, 1974, BE, 35mm, silent, 2

14.02 > 20:00
3,5€ / 2,5€

Films + discussion

Jean Harlez in shorts

Jean Harlez links up again with fiction, thanks to his most recent self-produced short films. A discovery of Harlez’ short films, starting with his first 35mm film, "Quand chacun apporte sa part" (When everyone brings his share), with the voice-over written by his wife, Marcelle Dumont...

+ Quand chacun apporte sa part

Jean Harlez, 1953-1954, BE, 35mm, ov fr , 22

"Quand chacun apporte sa part" shows the birth of an agricultural cooperative in Solre-sur-Sambre, allowing small farmers to acquire a combine harvester. Thanks to the powerful narrative and visual qualities, the films was bought by the Ministry of Agriculture which will permit Jean Harlez to start filming "Le chantier des gosses", shot on the same principle: the protagonists play their own role.

+ Autour d’un piano

Jean Harlez, 1980, BE, 35mm, ov fr , 18

A house is built by young people, while a pianist performs 32 Beethoven variations.

+ Personne à Las Palmas

Jean Harlez, 1990, BE, 35mm, ov fr , 29

On the Belgian coast an artist tries to find inspiration... not without difficulty.

+ Une poupée à la mer

Jean Harlez, 1993-2014, BE, 16mm, ov fr , 18

The fate of a doll lost at sea... a film with Harlez’ ultimate editing!

21.02 > 20:00
3,5€ / 2,5€

lang: en
id_rubrique: 1969
prog: 1960
pos: aval