prog: 2252

Kino Climates Melting Pots

In a period where culture is declining more and more in terms of management, marketing and sponsorship, throughout Europe some associative cinemas and alternative broadcasting spaces are appearing against the current industry. They are offering programming which is more personalized and unformatted. They are runs as non-profit organizations, real cultural places for resistance, often runs by volunteers and hard-core film-buffs (cinéphiles). 
These film lovers, not closed to new technologies, they find films that escape the laws of commercial distribution or unknown pearls to the general public, rare film that discovered in archives or collections. As you can see, all these movie venues are Nova’s first cousins!

In 2010, Nova organized a meeting in the framework of Rotterdam festival, with these cinemas venues from all over Europe. Since then other reunions took place and a network has been established, a network that permits this exchange of information, ideas and propositions of program, as pooling of tools and knowledge. 
This time, we are going to make it happen again - this weekend in Brussels! Work reunions on daylight and collective-program by evenings. Three nights in a row, we invite you to discover short, long, new and old movies, documentaries, experimental, a bit of fiction, in Serbian, Romanian, German, English, and French… The dreamy occasion to prepare your next cinematic trip somewhere in Europe!


In 2005, another anticipated meeting of Kino Climates, "The meeting of Labos" which was dedicated to collectives laboratories that practice this craft approach of cinema in film (pellicule). Ever since this network never stopped growing and today brings together labs from around the world. Some representatives of this network will join the meeting of Kino-Climates. Who know’s, maybe to consider a next project together?!

6€ / 4€ (soirée / avond)

Nicolas Rey, 2012, FR, 16mm, ov fr & de st fr, 81

Film in nine reels-chapters projected in a random order (in 362 880 possibilities!), Based on fragments of "The catacomb of Molussie", German novel written by Günther Anders between 1932 and 1936. A story of prisoners from a jail of an imaginary fascist state transmits stories about the outside world, as fables of political and philosophical significance. 
"Simply filming this imaginary country (...) creates some machines to make the company more complex, where the result is less predictable. To not filming some humans in their most common activity: such as work. A country is never completely deserted." 
Shot with expired film, developed and self-produced in "L’Abominable" - cinematographic laboratory of artists, of which Nicolas Rey is one of the founders.

With the support of Art/Recherche.

07.12 > 19:00
4€ / 3€


Its late sixties, an engineering degree in electronics in his pocket, Jean-Pierre Beauviala starts designing a light with his handy camera, with integrated sound that he wanted to be able to wear as a "Cat on the shoulder". As passionate about urbanism, he wanted to shoot his first film. He was looking for a camera that could walk easily and discreetly in the streets. 
He will work for one year for "Éclair", where he will develop a first light 16mm camera, before creating the famous "Aäton" company. For more than four decades he invented cameras (16mm, Super 16, 35mm, video) that had surprisingly innovative mechanisms or devices. Jean Rouch, Raymond Depardon Jean-Luc Godard, Louis Malle, Peter Greenaway, ... List of directors which become friends, who have made use of his emblematic cameras. Certainly great inventor, Jean-Pierre Beauviala is also a poet who knows how to express an image by revealing the human element with its creative breath. In his presence we will discover a short documentary as well as tests-images he directed during the 70’s. As part of the same session Stefano Canapa, (from the independent laboratory "L’Abominable") will show some sequences of a film being shot and edited in photochemical laboratories that are no longer exist.

  • Operation open farms, Larzac Pâques ‘72
    Co-directed with Suzanne Rosenberg,1972, Fr, film on DCP, vo fr, 27’
  • Tests single system
    1970, Fr, film on DCP, muet,11’
  • Explanation of the single system
    1971, Fr, film on DCP, muet, 10’
  • Essais 8-35
    1979, Fr, film on DCP, muet, 13’

In collaboration with French cinematheque.

07.12 > 21:00
4€ / 3€

6€ / 4€ (soirée / avond)


Free Radicals

A History of Experimental Film

Pip Chodorov, 2011, FR, HD, ov ang st fr, 80

Pip Chodorov, active member of Labos, retrace the history of avant-garde cinema from his own personal experience. The movie composed of meetings with great figures of this artistic movement back in the 20’s. "Free radicals" reveals rich extracts of experimental films, sometimes shown entirely. Eventually, the test of Pip is an ode to a free cinema, in its form, as by its means. Also could be an excellent introduction to neophyte of the genre for our weekend of meetings between networks heirs of this radical movement.

08.12 > 19:00

A vintage Open Screen during the Kino Climates meeting. Even in 1997 though, the Open Screen was far from being entirely in celluloïd. But this time, it will be the case, with films coming from all accross Europe in our friend’s suitcases and hopefully also yours ! One thing though, they can not be more than 15 min and they have to be submited at least a week before at ! Surely, the show will also be in the projection booth, where the projectionnists, juggling with beers and prints, will sweat during reel changes, formats and unexpected things....

08.12 > 21:00

Live Soundtrack

Kung Fu Trailers of Fury


There’s a persistent urban legend about underground movie theatres : that in each and every one their projection booths, there lurks at least one porno reel. If it’s true that the Nova cinema wins in that category hands down with the ABC cinema’s collection, on the other hand, The Cube in Bristol, can show off a crazy huge array of Kung Fu movie trailers. Graeme Hogge will be with us, and as a faithfull visitor of the above mentioned 90’s own music capital and one of the beating hearts of The Cube, he will gift us with his ears at the turnables to get us through these hectic images in the best musical way possible. Bristol style!

08.12 > 23:00

6€ / 4€ (soirée / avond)

Small peek into outsider cinema archives from Balkan with 2 singular films from an amateur collection, gathered during the communist regim by the Muzeul Cineastului Amator from Resita in Romania. Also two more unknown films from a season around film Theatre proposed by the Academic Film Center in Novi Beograd, Serbia.

+ Bumerang

Eugen Babii, 1986, RO, 16mm, no dial, ov, 6

An employment meeting turns quite absurd.

+ Strop de Soare

Emil Mateias & Ion Mato, 1976, 16mm > video, no dial, ov ro , 5

Birth of an idyll in an industrial setting.

+ Meters of life

Momir Matović, 1986, ME, 35mm > video, ov st ang, 13

An old deaf bachelor goes everyday to a cinema, seat 1 raw 5

+ The Ambassadors of film

Ratko Orozović, 1979, BA, 35mm > video, ov st fr, 18

Portrait of traveling cinema across ex-Yugoslavia.

09.12 > 19:00

Short films


Member of the shared lab, Laborberlin, the duet Ojoboca, like many artists from the filmlabs network, is directing films, propose installations and performances using celluloïd. Tonight, they will present an aspect of their film works.

+ Wolkenschatten

Anja Dornieden & Juan David Gonzalez Monroy, 2014, 16mm, ov de st ang, 17

A huge cloud invades a small german town that turns into darkness...

+ The Masked Monkeys

Anja Dornieden & Juan David González Monroy, 2015, BE, 16mm, ov ang , 30

The lowests of the javanese social ladder members, through a millinial tradition of masked artn allows the performers to reach another state, a noble one.

09.12 > 20:00


Sholto Dobie

GB, 30

The multi facetted and talented Sholto Dobie will be the one representing Horse Hospital this weekend, a place of discovery and wonder mixing cinema, music and performance in London. When Sholto’s not a sound engineer on movie sets, he’s a programmer at the very sought-after concert venue Old Dentist, also in the capital. His art though, lays most and foremost at the crossroads between electronic music, tradition and performance as the experimental musician that he is. For this show, he will be accompanied by a strange ballonlike instrument as well as an old tinckered-with wheel…

09.12 > 21:00


Scopitones !

From 1958 to 1969, in train stations, bars and other public spaces, you could hear and actually see the popular songs of the moment, thanks to a kind of jukebox. The dinosaurs of music videos, scopitones were made in a rush on 16mm Eastman color or Technicolor even in the USA, and magnetic soundtrack. Much loved in France, East Germany and England, they reached all the way to the middle east at one point. The one hour show in original format and curated by the venerable Werkstattkino in Munich, will show us big stars of the time, boasting the likes of Sylvie Vartan to Petula Clarck, Debbie Reynolds, Heidi Brühl, Alice & Ellen Kessler…

09.12 > 22:00

6€ / 4€ (soirée / avond)


66 Kinos

Philipp Hartmann, 2016, DE, DCP, ov de st ang, 98

When Philip Hartman realised, after finishing and presenting his first feature film at festivals to good critic that no big distribution company wanted anything to do with it, he decided to distribute it himself. He then contacted a long list of cinemas in Germany, to wich he recieved 66 answers. And that’s how « Time goes by like a roaring lion »’s diffusion tour became a pretext to film a road-movie documentary. In « 66 Kinos », the director explores the question of what it means to run an arthouse cinema today. Times are hard and a changing, especially with digital technology in the picture. The camera explores through the backalleys of these 7th art sanctuaries, who against the prevailing standardisation, constantly reinvent themselves. Welcome to the last of the Mohicans!

10.12 > 19:00


Expanded TV

Two swiss experimental project will mash for an immersive performance in the Nova bar intimacy. BIBLIOTEQ MDULAIR is an installation where Emma Souharce and Daniel Maszkowicz (who is member of the very fine Spoutnik cinema in Geneva) are manipulating analogics generators, creating a sensorial electro-primitive atmosphere. SYNKIE, with Michael Egger, Max Egger and F Kaufmann, creates live images with old analogic tv sets. The whole looks like a vintage audiovisual laboratory.

10.12 > 21:00

Jörg A.Hoppe, Klaus Maeck & Heiko Lange, 2015, DE, DCP, ov ang st fr, 95

Proposed by Hamburg’s small but no less dynamic B-Movie cinema, the homonymous "B-Movie" essay takes us into the wild West-Berlin of the 80s! The largest city in Germany was then cut in half, and on the western side, one of the most intensive and creative in Europe, before the iron curtain fell. From a furious collage of excerpts from never-before-seen films or vintage television archives, "B-Movie" portrays a chaotic decade such as a B-series, from punk to Love Parade, an island city where it was above all a question of living the present moment…

10.12 > 22:00
6€ / 4€ (soirée / avond)

lang: en
id_rubrique: 2254
prog: 2252
pos: aval