prog: 2138


Bidonville is a music theatre performance from De Kift, the well-known Dutch band with roots in punk and brass bands that it made in collaboration with actor Sanne den Hartogh (NL) and director Erik Whien (NL). A theatrical concert about people on the fringe of the metropolis, the sort of people that we see forever popping up in De Kift’s work. A performance comprised of melancholy, longing and love for the little man. Could you wish for a nicer Christmas present?

Dutch spoken, subtitled in English

Reservation recommended:

Organisation: Cinema Nova & deBuren

05.12 > 20:30
10€ / 6€

Prima Nova

Je lutte donc je suis

From Grece till Spain, a Southern wind blows against resignation

Yannis Youlountas, 2015, GR-FR, video, ov st fr, 90

10.12 > 20:00

Short films

Open Screen

Bring your own film to Nova’s screen! As long as they are not longer than 15 minutes, you can show your masterpieces during our Open Screen. Send them a week in advance to our office in Arenbergstreet 14, 1000 Brussels (please don’t forget to indicate your contact).

17.12 > 20:00

Microboutiek is a small distribution point for a variety of home-made or small scale production books, CDs, zines, DVDs, and other objects. You can browse our collection or give us your own creations, what’s inside is up to you. Come and have a look!

06.12 > 18:30 + 11.12 > 19:30 + 19.12 > 19:30


Texts: Vincent Bastin | Graphical design: Anatole Lachassagne

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, self-proclaimed “cineast of the absurd”, tragically passed away in 2014. A compulsive filmmaker who, despite everything seeming to be set up against it, grew out to be one of the most productive Belgian directors ever ! Between 1964 and 2014 he made more than 50 films, short and long, flouting all the rules : without formal schooling, money, help (except from all the unconditional fans surrounding him) and almost without distribution, his radical, personal films are full of the unexpected. Retour ligne automatique
"L’homme-cinema" is a micro-publication as an homage to JJR whose universe lives beyond his earthly life.

Agenda magazine,the only free multilingual publication covering cultural life
in Brussels will disappear. We are convinced that this will be a great
loss for the city and ask to preserve the magazine in its current form. If you are one of these 200.000 Agenda-readers, then join the platform #KeepAGENDAontheagenda, just as Nova did!

prog: 0
Sorry, no English version for this article.
French [fr] or Dutch [nl] page.
05.12 > 19:30 + 06.12 > 18:30 + 11.12 > 19:30 + 13.12 > 18:30 + 19.12 > 19:30 + 20.12 > 19:00

lang: en
id_rubrique: 2136
prog: 2138
pos: aval